Saturday, September 27, 2008

Beast Rig WIP 2

Second WIP.

- Auto IK/FK matching/switching
- No-pop space switching for Hand IK controls
- Reset Rig function
- Select/Deselect All Controls
- Mirror Selected Controls/All Left to Right/All Right to Left
- Flip Selected/All Controls

Moving on to facial next.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Exclusive First Episode Clip of Clone Wars

IGN showing an exclusive first episode clip of the Clone Wars TV series. Our episode! :)

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Cartoon Network trailer on Clone Wars

Starts airing in US on October 3rd. Eager to see how's the reaction to the TV series, which is what the studio at Singapore worked on. :)

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Beast Rig WIP 1

Yup revisiting the Beast model again. This is part of the Muscle Rig project that I've been wanting to work on for quite some time now.

Body rig's completed. With Picker Interface as well.
- IK/FK Stretchy Limbs
- Ribbon Spine (Twist from both ends)
- Ribbon Neck (Auto-twisting with head rotation)

Here's the WIP:

Next up:
- Script for no-jump IK/FK switching
- Script for no-jump IK Hand space switching
- Mirror/Flip Pose